About me

I was born in Madrid, Spain, where I attended the Technical University and graduated as Telecommunications Engineer (BEng, MEng) in 2008. I spent nearly 3 years in France (2006 to 2009), finishing my engineering studies (I graduated in 2009 from IMT Atlantique) with major in Biomedical Engineering. I also spent one year (2007 - 2008) as an intern at General Electric Healthcare in Buc, working on electromagnetic navigated tools for interventional radiology. I also hold a MSc (2009) in signal and image processing (SISEA) joinly delivered with Université de Rennes I. I did my MSc thesis in Hamburg (Germany) with Philips Research on model-based segmentation of the liver for radiotherapy.

I moved to the UK to pursue a PhD at King’s College London at the end of 2009, and graduated in 2013. My PhD was an investigation of computational methods to extract 3D qualitative and quantitative flow information from multi-view colour Doppler ultrasound images of the heart, specifically for patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), within the euHeart project. Since 2014 I have been a post doctoral Research Associate and in 2016 I became a Research Fellow. During this time I have been working on multiple projects related to ultrasound imaging acquisition, computing and visualization for medical applications. Check out my corporate profile pages here and here.

Since February 2022, I joined Ultromics where I am Artificial Intelligence and Hardware Lead.

My current research interests include decreasing user-variation on ultrasound imaging, and assisting less experienced operators in answering clinical questions using ultrasound more effectively.

The rest of the time, I enjoy being with my family, making coffee, and running.


My cv (updated January 2022) can be downloaded here, and my publication list here or, more up-to-date from Google Scholar.